IP Innovation Clinic

Canada’s largest
pro bono IP legal clinic

Providing IP information and assistance to start-ups and entrepreneurs in various sectors from across Southern Ontario and beyond.

The IP Innovation Clinic’s mandate is two-fold:

Ignite an Innovative Economy

Offset prohibitive costs of IP legal assistance by providing pro bono, one-on-one legal information services to inventors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and SMEs.

Educate and Empower Students

Prepare law students for the professional world by providing the opportunity to gain hands-on, practical experience while learning about some of the common early stage IP and business-related issues under the supervision of practicing lawyers.
The IP Innovation Clinic has a dual client-student mandate, which addresses the IP literacy shortcomings in Canada for law students as well as inventors and entrepreneurs.

Our Clients

The IP Innovation Clinic serves a diverse range of innovators across various industries and welcomes clients from across Southern Ontario from within and outside the York University community.

IP Innovation ChatBot provides basic intellectual property (IP) information and assistance with IP related matters

Hello, my name is Isaac Pewton. I can provide basic intellectual property (IP) information and assistance with IP related matters. If you are looking for legal advice, please contact an IP lawyer. To begin, please type a question below. For example, you can ask me, “What is a trademark?”.


The IP Innovation Clinic operates year-round and offers various forms of IP and commercialization assistance. Our team creates tailored work plans for each client based on their needs and stage of business development. During the consultation intake call, the supervising lawyer and IP Innovation Clinic Fellow will work with the client to determine an agreed upon work plan. The work of our Clinic Fellows is pro bono aside from a $50 administrative fee.

The IP Innovation Clinic services may include IP consultations, preliminary freedom-to-operate information, and IP clearance search work in the following areas:

Reviewing basic issues in business transactions involving intellectual property

Patent searches and prior art searches

Trademark searches

Agreement review (Internal, Contractor, License, etc.)

Application drafting and/or review

Other tasks as assigned and supervised by the supervising lawyer

Upcoming Events

The Future of Copyright in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Book Launch
25 January 2022
12:00pm EST (5:00pm GMT)
via Zoom
Redesigning Intellectual Property Protection in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
25 January 2022
9pm EST (26 Jan 2022 at 10 am Hong Kong Time)
via Zoom
25 January 2022
9pm EST (26 Jan 2022 at 10 am Hong Kong Time)
via Zoom

Our Team

Giuseppina D’Agostino

Founder and Director,
IP Innovation Clinic

Ashley Moniz

Assistant Director,
IP Innovation Clinic

Mamraj Mahboob

IP Innovation Clinic

Androu Waheeb

IP Innovation Clinic

To learn more about our IP Innovation Clinic Team, including our Clinic Fellows and Supervising Lawyers, click here.

Contact Us

For all inquiries, we can be reached here:

The IP Innovation Clinic is operated in collaboration with:

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