IP Innovation Clinic

Become a Client

As a pro bono IP legal clinic committed to improving access to justice for under-resourced inventors and entrepreneurs, the IP Innovation Clinic operates year-round and has a rolling intake process.
IP Innovation Clinic staff members will pre-screen potential clients to ensure that they will benefit from Clinic assistance and do not have the financial resources necessary to hire professional counsel. This process includes the completion of a background questionnaire and pre-intake call with a Clinic Staff Member.

Following the pre-intake process and the completion of a legal conflict check, selected clients will hold an IP commercialization consultation call. During the consultation intake call, the supervising lawyer and Clinic Fellows will work with the client to determine an agreed upon work plan. Our team creates tailored work plans for each client based on their needs and stage of business development.

If accepted into the Clinic following the consultation call, clients will be asked to sign an engagement agreement. The work of our Clinic Fellows is pro bono aside from a $50 administrative fee, which is due following the client formally engaging the Clinic.

Clinic services may include IP, preliminary freedom-to-operate, and clearance search work within the jurisdiction of Ontario in the following areas:

Reviewing basic issues in business transactions involving intellectual property;

Patent searches and prior art searches;
Trademark searches;
Agreement review (Internal, Contractor, License, etc.);
Application drafting and/or review;
Other tasks as assigned and supervised by the supervising lawyer.

Note: IP Innovation Clinic Staff and Fellows do not provide legal advice. Clinic Fellows work under the supervision of practicing lawyers to provide IP information to our clients. The Clinic operates in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the Law Society of Ontario.

If you are interested in becoming a client, please follow this link to complete IP Innovation Clinic Pre-Intake Questionnaire.

For more information please email us at ipinnovationclinic@osgoode.yorku.ca

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