IP Innovation Clinic

Clinic Fellows

IP Innovation Clinic Fellows

The IP Innovation Clinic provides Osgoode Hall Law students with access to work-integrated and experiential learning opportunities in IP and technology law. Clinic Fellows are able to enhance their student experiences by taking on greater responsibilities and interactions with clients. Through practical, hands-on experience, students assist start-up and scale up companies navigate real-world legal and business challenges. This experiential education contributes to the career-readiness and success of Clinic Fellows.
IP Innovation Clinic Fellowships are volunteer positions and students’ time is eligible for the Osgoode Public Interest Requirement (OPIR) credit.

The IP Innovation Clinic operates year-round and the recruitment of fellows occurs twice a year for the Fall-Winter terms and for the Summer session. Call for Applications are released on-campus and on-line in August and March/April, respectively.  For more information, please contact the IP Innovation Clinic at IPInnovationClinic@osgoode.yorku.ca.

IP Innovation Clinic Team

Clinic Founder & Director

Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Founder & Director, IP Osgoode, IP Innovation Clinic & IP Intensive
Editor-in-Chief, IPilogue & Intellectual Property Journal

Assistant Director

Assistant Director, IP Osgoode, IP and Technology Program, Osgoode Hall Law School

Student Coordinators

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Androu has completed his first year at Osgoode Hall Law School. He graduated from RCSI-Bahrain with a medical degree (MB.BCh.BAO (NUI), LRCSI, LRCPI). His diverse experiences include medical research, entrepreneurship, and business. He is passionate about Intellectual Property. Prior to law school, Androu worked in the genetics department at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Mamraj is a 1L Juris Doctor Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, he was an aerospace engineer at Bombardier Inc. for eight years, developing and certifying pneumatic systems for the Global 7500 Business Jet. He has developed a keen interest in Intellectual Property and Business Law, with a specific focus on IP commercialization strategies, commercial contracts and business incorporation. Upon graduation, he hopes to use his unique expertise to assist clients with a blend of legal solutions and business strategies to complement their corporate management. In his spare time, you can find him tinkering with his raspberry pi robots, playing board games, or practising his Cantonese with his toddler.

IP Innovation Clinic Fellows

Academic Year 2022/23

Senior Clinic Fellows

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Mac is a 2nd year law student at Osgoode Hall focusing his studies on topics of intellectual property. Having an Honours BSc in chemistry from Lakehead University, a PhD in biochemistry from McMaster University and two years of post-doctoral experience from the University of Toronto, Mac is ready to leverage his scientific expertise to aid clients in acquiring and commercializing their intellectual property.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Emily is currently in her third year of study at Osgoode Hall Law School. Previously, she has obtained her Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree from McMaster University, as well as a minor in French. While her interest in intellectual property stems primarily from her scientific background, her fascination in IP is also influenced by her own personal endeavours in the fine arts and digital media. Emily is looking forward to leveraging her past skills and experiences to support the IP needs of innovators and businesses.

LLM Candidate in Intellectual Property Law at Osgoode Professional Development

Prior to joining Osgoode, Gurbir worked as an IP lawyer and patent agent in India. He was involved in IP prosecution, opposition and representing tech companies in safe harbor, trademark, and copyright infringement suits. Being a computer science engineering graduate, Gurbir is a passionate advocate for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and he was instrumental in establishing a Linux Foundation project in India. He is currently working on a project promoting access to generic medicines for patients in India. Outside school, he likes playing with pets and making music.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Meena is a 2L JD Candidate at Osgoode Hall. She completed a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences at McMaster with a minor in biology. During her undergraduate summers, she worked as a cancer biology research assistant investigating the mechanisms of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Meena wants to explore the interactions of scientific innovation and the law. She looks forward to helping innovators as a Clinic Fellow. In her spare time, Meena enjoys writing poetry, completing jigsaw puzzles and hiking.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Junior Clinic Fellows

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Ahaan is entering his second year of study at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, he completed a Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Arts) degree from Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, India where he majored in Business Studies and minored in Law. Ahaan wrote his undergraduate dissertation on consumer behaviour and intellectual property law in relation to the counterfeit luxury fashion market in India. He previously conducted a comparative study on intellectual property law across jurisdictions and is currently engaged in research projects pertaining to the protection of indigenous fashion through intellectual property law, and an interdisciplinary analysis of artificial intelligence and copyright law.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Andrew is entering 2L at Osgoode Hall Law School. He has recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with research focused on the hearing mechanisms underlying animal communication and how it is impacted and shaped by behaviour. He previously earned a B.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of Vermont and an M.Sc. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Toronto. During his Ph.D., Andrew became interested in Intellectual Property particularly litigation and patent law.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Anita is a 1L student at Osgoode Hall Law School. She completed her Honours BA in Economics and Financial Management from WLU. Her studies (particularly those in global economic development), research pursuits, volunteer work, and professional experience have led to her interest in intellectual property. 

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Brittany is in her second year at Osgoode Hall Law School. With a degree in Art History from Queen’s University, Brittany hopes to merge her passion for art and law as an art lawyer. Prior to law school, Brittany was an executive assistant and law clerk at a boutique entertainment law firm in Toronto. When not studying, Brittany enjoys figure skating and trying new restaurants with friends.

JD/MBA Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Cedric is in his third year of the JD/MBA program at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Schulich School of Business. He previously attended the University of Toronto where he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance and Economics. He is excited to gain exposure to IP law this year through coursework and Innovation Clinic Fellow program. During his spare time, Cedric enjoys playing basketball, watching Sci-Fi movies, and hanging out with his dog Toby

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Daniel is going into his second year at Osgoode Hall Law School. He previously completed a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He developed a keen interest in intellectual property law through working with inventors on patent applications for musical instruments. Through his experience as an engineer, he has witnessed the unique vulnerabilities facing inventors and is passionate about assisting clients in overcoming these challenges at the IP Innovation Clinic. Daniel is bilingual, speaking both English and Mandarin.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Egin is an incoming 3L student at Osgoode Hall Law School, as well as an IP Research Assistant in 2022. Coming from a rich media background, Egin hopes to bridge his professional experiences and personal passions into an IP law career. Prior to law school, Egin worked for six years in several major advertising agencies as an internationally award-winning copywriter, where he has created mass and digital-media campaigns for global brands as varied as VISA, Netflix, NFL, Metrolinx, FritoLay, Loblaws and RBC. In addition, Egin is an independent musician, having released three studio albums and toured across Europe and the Americas, as well as a music community organizer, hosting an annual Toronto Arts Council-funded 3-day festival with his collective.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Ibrahim Arif is a first-year JD student at Osgoode Hall. He graduated from McMaster University specializing in Medical & Biological Physics. His passion for Intellectual Property comes with her interests in innovative technology as he loves any opportunity to explore the intersection of law, technology, innovation, and business, that allow for innovative solutions to emerging problems.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Jenny is going into her second year at Osgoode Hall. Prior to law school, she completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Toronto, where she found passion for intellectual property through a course in technology strategy. Jenny is excited to work with inventors and entrepreneurs and to explore the role of IP rights in strengthening innovation ecosystems.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Mariela is in her second year at Osgoode Hall Law School. Previous to law school Mariela worked in higher education for five years. She obtained bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and Chicano Latino Studies and a master’s in Education from California States University, Long Beach. Mariela is a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants; she was born in Guadalajara (Mexico), grew up in Los Angeles, and lives in Toronto. She is interested in IP law and its relationship to emerging technologies, food, art, and social justice. Mariela enjoys cooking authentic Mexican dishes, discovering new hiking trails, and travelling

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Michael is a 3L student at Osgoode Hall Law School with an interest in business and intellectual property law. Prior to law school, he completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at Queen’s University where he majored in history and minored in Classical Studies. The highlight of his undergraduate experience was working as an archeologist in Cerveteri, Italy in the summer of 2019. At Osgoode, he have been involved in numerous extracurricular endeavors such as the Osgoode Business Clinic, the Osgoode Mooting Society, and the Osgoode Tax Law Association, and am currently summering at KPMG Law LLP. He is looking forward to the opportunity to gain exposure to IP law this summer as an IP Innovation Clinic Fellow and make a positive impact in the process.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Michelle has just completed her 1L year at Osgoode Hall Law School. As a graduate from the University of Toronto’s Bachelor of Science program, double majoring in Health Studies and Global Health, she is interested in improving the health outcomes of Canadians through policy. Michelle’s particular interest in patent law stems from her passion in supporting the development of orphan drugs for rare diseases. As a clinic fellow, she is excited to develop her knowledge of IP practice in Canada while helping inventors and creators protect their products. In her free time, she enjoys visiting art museums, taking long walks with her dog, and playing video games.

LL.M Candidate, Osgoode Hall Law School

Pankhuri is pursuing her LLM in International Business Laws from Osgoode Hall School of Law. Previously, Pankhuri was a Senior Associate with the IP Boutique firm Anand and Anand in India. At the firm, Pankhuri worked on all litigation concerning all spheres of IP, particularly pharmaceutical patents. Pankhuri’s interest in IP has grown with the revelation of the upcoming metaverse. Pankhuri has developed an interest in emerging technologies, artificial intelligence and is curious to see how IP law evolves over the upcoming decade. Outside of work, Pankhuri enjoys painting, swimming and movie nights.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Richard is in his third year at Osgoode Hall Law School. He completed his Honours Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto, majoring in both Biochemistry and Psychology, and also holds a minor in Biology. Richard’s favourite pass time is to learn. You will always find him learning about a new topic in philosophy, or politics, or astronomy, or history, and everything else under the Sun. He cites this as the root for his passion for intellectual property as the field inherently presents him with the opportunity to learn about the frontiers of technology and art. In addition to contributing to the IPilogue, his IP achievements include winning the Bereskin & Parr Class prize for Copyright Law and heading the Intellectual Property Society at Osgoode (IPSO) as Co-President. His interests also include analyzing films, television, and stand-up comedy; weightlifting; gaming; debating; and just chatting with friends.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Sally will be starting her third year at Osgoode Hall Law School. She completed her Honours Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto, double majoring in Life Sciences and English. Sally developed an interest in the protection of artists’ rights and works from her appreciation for the performing arts. Her other areas of interest include gaming technology and biotechnology, and she continues to grow her knowledge of IP issues as a writer for the IPilogue. As a fellow at the IP Innovation Clinic this summer, she is excited to increase market accessibility for smaller businesses. Outside of law school, she enjoys overanalyzing film scores and playing the violin.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Serena has just finished her first year of law at Osgoode Hall Law School. Her interest in intellectual property mainly stems from her educational background, where she obtained an Honours Bachelor of Medical Sciences in biochemistry and cell biology from Western University, and a Master of Science in biochemistry from McGill. However, in addition to science, she is keen to explore the intersection between intellectual property law and her other areas of interest: music and fashion. Outside of law school, Serena enjoys rock-climbing, hiking, playing soccer, guitar, and the podcast “Ongoing History of New Music”. 

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Phoebe is an incoming second-year student at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, she obtained an Honours Bachelor of Science in Immunology and Evolutionary Anthropology from the University of Toronto. During her undergraduate, Phoebe was a student researcher investigating cardiovascular disease at the Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower. It was through her research experience that she recognizes the importance of patents to innovators. Phoebe wants to explore the interaction of technology, law and business. As a clinic fellow, she hopes to support start-ups and assist entrepreneurs with intellectual property commercialization process. In her spare time, Phoebe enjoys rock climbing, playing piano and travelling.

Freshperson Clinic Fellows

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Adam is a 3L JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to Osgoode, Adam completed a Master of Science in Microbiology and Immunology with a focus on HIV transmission. He then went on to work as a research associate during part of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting projects which worked toward a preventative COVID-19 vaccine. His interest in infectious diseases leads him to want to use his expertise in microbiology to work with researchers to patent their technologies in order to work toward future scientific advances. Outside of school, Adam is often on the golf course or watching soccer.

JD Candidate 2025, Osgoode Hall Law School

Aneesha is completing her second year of the JD/MBA program at Osgoode Hall Law School and Schulich School of Business. She completed a business undergraduate degree, where she earned an Honours Bachelor of Commerce from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. Aneesha’s main IP interests lie in trademark and copyright law, specifically working with companies in the legal areas of branding, marketing, and advertising. Outside of school and professional endeavours, Aneesha enjoys baking and water sports, such as surfing and scuba diving.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

David Im is a third-year law student at Osgoode Hall Law School. In his first year of law school at the University of Windsor, David ranked as a silver medalist before transferring to Osgoode Hall. In his second year at Osgoode Hall Law School, David continued with his academic pursuit by obtaining the highest standing in Business Associations.  Prior to law school, David obtained a master’s degree in the field of science at the University of Toronto. In 2023, David is excited to be beginning his law career as an articling student at Chaitons LLP. In his spare time, David enjoys playing hockey, basketball, golf, softball, and weightlifting, and is also an avid Toronto Raptors, Maple Leafs, and Blue Jays fan.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

David Williams Watson is an incoming 2L student at Osgoode Hall Law School. He spent last year at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie in Halifax. Prior to law school he completed a Criminal Justice undergraduate degree and spent five years in the Canadian Forces.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Emily is currently in her second year at Osgoode Hall, having previously studied English Literature and Biology at the University of British Columbia. Her interest in intellectual property stems from her natural curiosity for how things work and interact with the world, and her experience as a freelance illustrator/creative. As an IPilogue Writer in 1L, she was able to explore her passions for clean tech innovation and grassroots mobilization towards net-zero, as well as artists’ rights and copyright policy. She is excited to combine her creative and interdisciplinary backgrounds with hands-on experience for the IP Innovation Clinic this year.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Harman Mann is a third-year JD student at Osgoode Hall Law School. Harman completed his Bachelor of Arts in Criminology at York University, where he explored various topics that include corporate crime, youth offending and the abuse of police powers. Harman was also a part of Osgoode Hall Law School’s Criminal Law Intensive and the Real Estate and Infrastructure Association. When he is not thinking about law, he enjoys working on cars and the sport of boxing.

JD Candidate 2025, Osgoode Hall Law School

Hayden is a current 1L Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School with a strong interest in IP, technology, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to Osgoode, Hayden graduated from the University of Toronto’s Rotman Commerce program where he co-founded Bridgespace, an education technology start-up that became the first initiative in Canada to convert proprietary educational content at student campus clubs into free, accessible modules for students around the world. As an entrepreneur, Hayden has experienced the difficulties involved in navigating the legal domain. He looks forward to being able to work closely with Clinic clients and learn about their creative and innovative endeavours. At Osgoode, Hayden is also involved with the Osgoode Hall Law Journal and the Osgoode Business Law Society. In his now limited free time, Hayden enjoys travel planning, watching (and learning from) YouTube, and finding new eats in Toronto.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Jennifer is a 2L student at Osgoode Hall. Prior to law school, she completed her undergraduate degree in Life Sciences at Queen’s University, where she conducted virology, microbiology, and women’s health research. Outside of law school, Jennifer is training to be a sommelier at George Brown, enjoys taking her German Shepherd on walks, and is an enthusiast of bad reality T.V.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Katie is a 2L student at Osgoode Hall Law School, prior to which she attended McMaster University where she received both a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences. She has a particular interest in pharmaceutical patent litigation, having worked closely with this team at Smart & Biggar over her 1L summer. Through her graduate studies, Katie developed an appreciation for the tremendous effort that goes into scientific research and looks forward to working closely with inventors through the IP Innovation Clinic to help protect their hard-earned discoveries. In her spare time, you can find Katie at the Crossfit gym, running, playing with her dogs, or doing a jigsaw puzzle.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Lilian is a 3L student at Osgoode Hall. She earned a Bachelor of Medical Sciences from Western University where she specialized in Medical Biophysics.  Lilian developed a keen interest in intellectual property law during her undergrad where she spent two years investigating the link between the breast cancer BRCA2 gene and cardiovascular disease. Lilian is excited to gain practical exposure to IP law, help small businesses, and learn about how public access to inventions can be balanced with property ownership. In her free time she enjoys reading romance fiction, building Lego sets, and being on Tiktok.

Exchange Student, Osgoode Hall Law School

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Lucas is in his third year at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, Lucas obtained an Honours Bachelor of Science in human biology and physiology from the university of Toronto. Lucas is fascinated by the world of invention and strongly believes in the moral value of innovation, both in the arts and the sciences. In his spare time, Lucas enjoys reading, creative writing, video gaming, and playing jazz on the piano and saxophone.

Exchange Student, Osgoode Hall Law School

Megan is on exchange to Osgoode Hall Law School from Ireland. She is in her third year of her undergraduate degree Law with Social Justice in University College Dublin. Throughout her time in university, Megan has worked as a litigative paralegal, a movie extra and a production operator in a medical factory. Through her experience within these sectors, she has developed a keen interest in intellectual property and specifically the laws surrounding emerging technologies and trademarks in these fields. She is extremely looking forward to the opportunity to gain exposure to IP law as a Freshperson Fellow.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Minsor is a third-year student at Osgoode Hall Law. Prior to that, he completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Toronto with a specialization in Finance & Economics. Intrigued by the start-up model, Minsor took the time to focus on intellectual property and entrepreneurship for small and medium enterprises. He believes that IP law is one of the most important drivers of not only business but innovation as well, and is eager to work with emerging inventors and businesses alike.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Neeraj is completing his second year at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school he worked as a front-line healthcare professional and had previous experience in the pharmaceutical sector as an academic researcher and regulator. With this background, Neeraj is interested in exploring the intersection of intellectual property law, healthcare and science. He looks forward to working with inventors and entrepreneurs to help commercialize their ideas. Outside of law school Neeraj enjoys crossword puzzles, podcasts and hikes.

JD Candidate 2023, Osgoode Hall Law School

Shanza is a third-year student at Osgoode Hall Law School. She has worked at Rochon Genova LLP in the class actions division and completed her second-year summer at Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers. During law school, she worked as a department assistant at Osgoode Professional Development, working hard to provide quality continuing education programs to students and internationally trained lawyers. Alongside school and work, she spent her time volunteering at student clubs, participating in numerous mooting competitions including the Lerners Cup. Prior to attending law school, she graduated from Ryerson University with a bachelor’s in business management where she specialized in Law and Business. During her time there, she participated in the Law and Business Legal Clinic.

JD Candidate 2025, Osgoode Hall Law School

Shreya is in her first year at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, she completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Guelph with a major in Criminal Justice & Public Policy. She is interested in copyright law, artificial intelligence, and how technology and the law intersect and impact businesses and the sports & entertainment field. In her spare time, Shreya enjoys hiking, visiting farmers markets, and listening to music.

LL.M Candidate, Osgoode Hall Law School

Sibtain is currently pursuing his Professional LLM in Canadian Common Law from Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to Osgoode, he worked as an In-house legal counsel for several major organizations in Pakistan, within industries ranging from logistics, distribution, FMCG and IT, providing advice and managing litigation on areas of corporate and commercial law, IP rights, and securities law. In addition, he holds an LLM from the University of Hertfordshire (UK) in Commercial Law and Intellectual Property. As a clinic fellow, he is excited to gain experience of the workings of the Canadian IP industry and assist innovators and inventors to safeguard their IP rights. Outside of school, he loves playing with my pets and playing video games.

JD Candidate 2024, Osgoode Hall Law School

Tianchu Gao is a second-year JD candidate at Osgoode Hall. She was an IPilogue Writer from 2021 to 2022, and she also worked with Professor Carys J. Craig as a Research Assistant on topics including music copyright and trademark in Metaverse. Prior to law school, Tianchu completed her master’s degree in Art History at The Ohio State University with a focus on modern and contemporary art.

JD Candidate 2025, Osgoode Hall Law School

Victoria is a first-year Juris Doctor Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Prior to law school, Victoria completed a Specialized Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from York University. Through Victoria’s love for English literature, she started her tutoring business where she and her team of tutors assist high school and university students with their academics. Victoria’s passion for the arts and entrepreneurship led to her interest in the protection of creators’ innovations through intellectual property law. In her free time, Victoria enjoys reading, running, and cooking new recipes.

Note: IP Innovation Clinic Staff and Fellows do not provide legal advice. IP Innovation Clinic Fellows work under the supervision of practicing lawyers to provide IP information to our clients. The IP Innovation Clinic operates in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the Law Society of Ontario.
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